Frequently Asked Questions & Useful Links
What is the minimum booking?
We recommend a minimum booking of 2 days per week where ever possible and preferably consecutive days.
What if my child is sick?
If your child falls ill while at the child care centre, we will contact the parents or the person nominated by the parents to collect the child. If your child is sick we request that you keep them at home, this is essential to reduce the risk to the other children and staff. It is critical that parents ensure that the centre has your correct contact number.
What fees apply when my child is sick or there are public holidays?
Normal fees apply when your child is absent on a booked day or a public holiday falls on a booked day.
Are holiday discounts given?
A holiday discount is applied to your fees providing you give the child care centre two weeks written notice and your fees are up to date.
Please check with the centre to find out how much discount you can receive and how many weeks the holiday discount is granted for.
Are your child care centres open the whole year?
Yes, our childcare centres are open 52 weeks of the year
Do you have a funded Kindergarten program?
Yes, we do and all our centres employ a qualified teacher who has a Bachelor of Education degree.
Does my child have to be immunized?
Yes, it is a government requisite that you provide your child’s immunization history statement, without which we cannot accept your child.
You may access your child’s immunization history statement either by:
- Going to your MyGov account, to Medicare and printing the statement; or
- Calling the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809, who will then post the statement to you.
What is your Curriculum based on?
We embrace the Early Years Learning Framework.
When can I visit a child care centre?
Contact the Director at the relevant center and they will arrange for you to visit them as soon as possible.
Do you have Incursions and Excursions?
Do your child care centres supply meals and nappies?
Yes, all meals and nappies are included.
Do you cater for children with allergies or special dietary requirements?
Yes, we try our best to cater for all children.
Enrolment and Orientation
You need to check with the relevant centre if they have vacancies if you would like to enrol your child. The Director will then arrange a suitable time for you view the centre. At the orientation days we provide you all the required forms for enrolment.
We do require you attend a 1 x 2 hour orientation or 2 x 1 hour orientations.
How do we make payment of fees?
We require our parents to pay via Debitsuccess one week in advance.
How do we stop our child care arrangements?
You need to give the Director two weeks’ notice in writing.
Useful Information & Links
Australian Govt. Dept. of Health Immunise Australia Program: 1800 671 811
Dept. of Human Services: 136 150
The department delivers Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support services and payments. Including CCB and CCR payments subject to Immunization of your child or have an appropriate exemption.
Nurse on Call: 1300 606 024
Australian Govt. Family Assistance Office: 136 150
Maternal & Child Health Line: 12 22 29
Parent Line: 13 22 89
Parentline provides a state wide telephone counselling service to parents and carers of children aged from birth to eighteen years.
Professional counsellors are able to explore a variety of issues that impact on parenting and relationships.
Victorian Poisons Information Hotline: 13 11 26
The Victorian Poisons Information Centre (VPIC) provides Victorians with a timely, safe information service on poisoning and suspected poisonings.
Contact Future Super Stars Child Care Centres
Future Super Stars Sunshine West
11 Simmie Street,
Sunshine West, Victoria
(03) 9041 1881
Open Monday to Friday
Future Super Stars Epping
411 Dalton Road,
Epping, Victoria
(03) 9401 1730
Open Monday to Friday
Future Super Stars Sunshine North
9 Suffolk Road,
Sunshine North, Vic.
(03) 7044 5020
Open Monday to Friday

Copyright Future Super Stars 2024 | Website By: Clark Marketing & Design